API Reference

Example body:

  "text_prompt": "Space travel",
  "video_prompt": "https://files.aivideoapi.com/example/ship.mp4",
  "structure_transformation": 0.5,
  "seed": 0,
  "callback_url": ""


  • text_prompt (required, string): Text prompt
  • video_prompt (required, string): video url
  • structure_transformation (optional, int): default to be 0.5; This setting controls the structural consistency between the input and output. Lower values will result in an output that maintains the structure of the original video. Higher values will result in more abstract outputs.
  • seed (optional, int): default to be 0, means random value
  • callback_url(optional, string): The callback_url is where a GET request will be sent once the job finishes, whether it’s successful or not. It will include the UUID in this format: ?uuid=

RunwayML Gen3 Model Now Officially Support vid2vid!

  • Supported durations: Up to 10 seconds
  • Supported aspect ratios 16:9 (1280x768)
  • Maximum input size: 64mb
  • Supported video inputs: MP4

We recommend choosing videos in 5 or 10 second durations for optimized generation. Videos longer than 10 seconds will be automatically trimmed to the first 10 seconds of the input.

Structure transformation

This setting controls the structural consistency between the input and output. Lower values will result in an output that maintains the structure of the original video. Higher values will result in more abstract outputs. See the info here: https://help.runwayml.com/hc/en-us/articles/33350169138323-Creating-with-Video-to-Video

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!